Recent Media Descriptions

Diana Deutsch



General Media | Blogs and Websites

Some media descriptions of research by Deutsch and colleagues

Shepardtöne. Biologie Seite, 2021, January, [Web Link]

Esteban Peris Aviñó. Ilusiones auditivas creadas a partir de los Tonos de Shepard y su aplicación artística. Sul Ponticello, 2021, February, [Web Link]

Solveigs Speisa Musikk. Are Brean - Om musikk og hjernen (podcast), 2021, February, [Web Link]

Daniel Shanahan. Musical Illusions and Phantom Words: How Music and Speech Unlock Mysteries of the Brain. By Diana Deutsch. New York: Oxford University Press, 2019, xviii + 243 pages. Music Theory Spectrum, 2021, March, [Web Link]

Daniel Kolitz. Why Does Music Make Us Feel Things?. Gizmodo, 2021, March, [Web Link]

How Do Brains Make Music?. Closer to Truth, 2020, December, [Web Link]

Can Music Probe Mentality? . Closer to Truth, 2020, December, [Web Link]

Can Music Probe Mentality? (pt 2) . Closer to Truth, 2020, December, [Web Link]

Silvia Bencivelli. La musique et le langage. Futura Santé, 2020, December, [Web Link]

J Milo Raylor. Episode 3: Cognitive Psychology and Music, Episode 4: Ambiguity, Paradox and Musical Illusion ​. We're All Bats, Listening Arts Channel, 2020, Decemember, [Web Link]

Stephan Beuting. Es ist nicht das, wonach es sich anhört. Deutschlandfunk Nova, 2020, February, [Web Link]

Das absolutes Gehor: Musikalisch den richtigen Ton treffen., 2019, February, [Web Link]

Toby Leigh. Seminal research into musical illusions influences new piece for Contemporary Music Festival. University of Plymouth News, 2019, January, [Web Link]

S3, Episode 9: The Illusionist (Jun. 8, 2019). Hi-Phi Nation, 2019, June, [Web Link]

#68 | Sonic Illusions . Twenty Thousand Hertz, 2019, June, [Web Link]

Falling Trees . Ideas Roadshow's IBDP Portal, 2019, June, [Web Link]

Shepardtöne . 2019, October, [Web Link]

Auditory Illusions. BBC Radio 4, 2019, August, [Web Link]

Trevor Cox. Can you believe your ears?. BBC Radio 4, 2019, August, [Web Link]

Jason Warren. Book Review: Tales of the expected. Brain, 2019, September, 142(11), 3655-3659, [Web Link]

Repetition Sells? Why Catchy Songs Get Stuck in Our Heads., 2019, December, [Web Link]

Sounds sometimes behave so strangely.. . Interview with Georgia Mills, Naked Scientists, BBC and ABC, 2018, April, [Web Link]

The speech to song illusion. BBC World Service, 2018, June, [Web Link]

When Does Speech Become Music?. BBC World Service, 2018, April, [Web Link]

Andrea Korte. AAAS Volunteers Spark Interest in the Science Behind Our Five Senses. AAAS, 2018, April, [Web Link]

Ghosts in the Machine. BBC Radio 4, 2018, October, [Web Link]

Melanie Aman. If You Think the Woman in This Clip Is Singing, You've Let Your Brain Fool You. Woman's World, 2018, June, [Web Link]

Why repeating words sound like music to your brain. The Verge, 2018, June, [Web Link]

Diana Deutsch. 2017 : What Scientific Term or Concept Ought to be More Widely Known? . Edge, 2017, April, [Web Link]

El oído absoluto y las lenguas tonales. Cátedra de Cultura Científica, 2017, July, [Web Link]

Os três pequenos Mozart da rua Esperança. Brasil El País, 2017, November, [Web Link]

Do Musicians Make Better Language Learners?. Psychology Today, 2017, July, [Web Link]

Music is not for ears. Aeon, 2017, November, [Web Link]

Perfect Pitch. Radio Health Journal, 2017, June, [Web Link]

Episode 10: Sometimes Behave So Strangely Redux. Cadence Podcast, 2017, October, [Web Link]

Das absolute Gehör wohnt in China. NDR Kultur, 2016, January, [Web Link]

Copyright Stefan Klein 2015. Stefan Kleins Wissenschaftsgespräche. Die Zeit Magazin (Germany), 2016, January, [Web Link]

Wenn Der Sound Trägt. Audioversum, 2016, January, [PDF Document]

Richard Kunert. How the orchestra is arranged by the biology of the brain. Aeon, 2016, April, [Web Link]

THEO TRÍ THỨC TRẺ. 3 ảo giác âm thanh chắc chắn bạn chưa bao giờ được biết (3 audio hallucinations you never knew). KENH 14, 2016, April, [Web Link]

Andrea Korte. AAAS Volunteers Present "Science of the Senses" at USA Science & Engineering Festival. AAAS, 2016, May, [Web Link]

Musikalisch den richtigen Ton treffen., 2016, January, [Web Link]

Prince im Sommer der Legenden auf radioeins, Interview with Knut Elstermann. Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (rbb), 2016, August, [Web Link]

Domestic Science, with Matt Parker, Steve Mould and Helen Arney. Episode 1. BBC Radio 4, 2016, July, [Web Link]

Cat Tuong. Giỏi âm nhạc nhờ học tiếng Việt - Trung? (Vietnamese are Good at Learning Music). Theo Gia đình/Telegraph Nguồn: Vui lòng không xóa link nguồn!, 2016, December, [Web Link]

Katarzyna Paluch. Diana Deutsch: Jak nasze emocje, doświadczenia i myśli wpływają na odbiór muzyki?. Tygodnik Powszechny (Poland), 2015, March, [PDF Document] [Web Link]

Rebecca Boyle. The Elastic Brain. Aeon, 2015, February, [Web Link]

Dillo un'altra volta (ovvero perché la ripetizione in musica è così importante) ., 2015, April, [Web Link]

E se quello che sentiamo non fosse reale?. Linkiesta, 2015, May, [Web Link]

Orion Jones. Hearing Is Our Least Trustworthy Sense. Big Think, 2015, April, [Web Link]

David Robson. Sumérgete en el extraño mundo de las ilusiones auditivas. BBC Mundo, 2015, May, [Web Link]


David Robson. The strangest sounds in the world . BBC Future, 2015, April, [Web Link]

The Power of the Human Voice. BBC World Service, 2015, July, [Web Link]

Scientific Discovery: Rare Whistling Language Offers Researchers Unique Insight Into Communication . International Business Times, 2015, August, [Web Link]

Vuoi scoprire quanto il tuo cervello è lateralizzato? Fallo con l’illusione dell’ottava., 2015, September, [Web Link]

Aviva Rutkin. How trippy version of Mariah Carey Christmas hit fools the brain . New Scientist, 2015, December, [Web Link]

Alex Kasprak. These Sounds Will Confuse Your Brain. BuzzFeed, 2015, September, [Web Link]

Reed Pence. 15-28 Segment 1: Perfect Pitch. Radio Health Journal, 2015, July, [Web Link]

Matthew Parsons. Discover the auditory illusion that makes Tchaikovsky’s sixth symphony sound so good. CBC Music, 2015, April, [Web Link]

Kashmira Gander. Reworked version of Mariah Carey's All I Want for Christmas Is You tricks the brain into hearing her voice. The Independent, 2015, December, [Web Link]

#LDOnda: ¿Por qué gusta la canción del verano?. Naukas, 2015, October, [Web Link]

Listen To The Tritone Paradox, An Auditory Illusion. Curiosity, 2015, December, [Web Link]

Michael Levine. What is Perfect Pitch Anyway?., 2015, November, [Web Link]

The Stealthy Sounds of Cocktail Parties. 3 Quarks Daily, 2015, October, [Web Link]

Sarah Rara and Luke Fischbeck. SYLLABLE VARIATIONS (2015). The Enemy, 2015, Vol II. No. II, [Web Link]

David Robson. The strangest sounds in the world. BBC, 2015, April, [Web Link]

David Pothier and Carolyn Falls. Diana Deutsch, compiled by David Pothier and Carolyn Falls. ENT & Audiology News, 2015, July, 24, Issue e, [Web Link]

Esther Inglis-Arkell. How often does speech turn into song?. io9, 2014, March, [Web Link]

Elizabeth Hellmuth Margulis. One more time: Why do we listen to our favourite music over and over again? Because repeated sounds work magic in our brains. Aeon, 2014, March, [Web Link]

Arnaud Lefebvre. Play it again, Sam! Pourquoi nous voulons chaque fois entendre . Express (France), 2014, March, [Web Link]

Esther Inglis-Arkell. The science of audio illusions, or fooling people's ears. io9, 2014, February, [Web Link]

Janissa Delzo. Audio Illusions Prove Your Hearing May Not Be As Good As You Thought. Medical Daily, 2014, June, [Web Link]

Susan Scutti . Language and Tone. Medical Daily, 2014, January, [Web Link]

Robert T. Gonzalez. These Auditory Illusions Are Absolutely Bewildering. io9, 2014, May, [Web Link]

The Human Zoo, Interview with Michael Blastand. BBC Radio 4, 2014, July, [Web Link]

Zsofia Bacsadi. The Song of Insect Wings . Magyar Narancs (Hungary), 2014, October, [PDF Document]

Ovale Fenster: Ein Hirnwettlauf im Allerhorbarsten . RTV Radio (Serbia), 2014, October, [Web Link]

Bacsadi Zsófia. Rovarszárnyak éneke. Magyar Narancs, 2014, October, [Web Link]

¿Es el tono perfecto cuestión de genética?. Health Day, 2014, October, [Web Link]

Matt Bilyard. Some Science Behind Singing. Bang! The Oxford Scientist Magazine (UK), 2014, November, [Web Link]

Asap Science. Can You Trust Your Ears? (Audio Illusions). 2014, May, [Web Link]

Believing Your Ears: Probing the Brain through Musical Illusion: A conversation with Diana Deutsch . Ideas Roadshow, 2014, September, [PDF Document]

Thủ thuật "đánh lừa não bộ" bằng hiệu ứng âm thanh. 2014, March, [Web Link]

Corinna da Fonseca-Wollheim. The Sounds of a Mystery . The New York Times, 2013, April, [Web Link]

Review of The Psychology of Music, Third Edition . Classical Net, 2013, February, [PDF Document]

Judith Kampfner. BBC Archive on Four on Radiolab . BBC Radio 4, 2013, April , [Web Link]

Brenna Farrell. Musical illusions-Radiolab . Radiolab, 2013, May, [Web Link]

Jolyon Jenkins. BBC Radio 4 documentary "Out of the Ordinary |Rorschach Audio - Art & Illusion for Sound". BBC Radio 4, 2013, March , [Web Link]

Hieke van Hoogdalem. Absoluut Gehoor: Lust of last . Akkoord Magazine (Netherlands), 2013, July, [Web Link]

Creative voices come to Cleveland . The Cleveland Stater, 2013, June, [Web Link]

Von Marianne Wendt und Christian Schiller. Hinh. Deutschlandradio, 2013, December, [Web Link]

Charlie McCarron. The psychology of a second listen. Minnesota Public Radio, 2013, November, [Web Link]

Entretien avec Diana Deutsch chercheur . Radio France (France), 2013, April, [Web Link]

Hallucinations auditives . France Culture (France), 2013, April, [Web Link]

Jose Drost-Lopez. Auditory Illusions: A Tour of Tricky Sounds. Psych Talk, 2013, January, [Web Link]

Localisation auditive: confusions et illusions. Enclopedia Universalis France, 2013, [Web Link]

Radioplay. Ovale Fenster . Southwest German Radio, 2012, March, [PDF Document]

Musicality of Speech: Spoken Melody. Hearing Voices (National Public Radio)., 2012, February, [Web Link]

Florian Hecker. Interruptions #4, Bregman/Deutsch Chimaera . RWM Radio Web Macba, 2012, February, [Web Link]

Is Perfect Pitch Genetic? . U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Office of Minority Health, 2012, October, [PDF Document]

El "tono perfecto" puede venir en los genes . Yahoo! Noticias, 2012, October, [PDF Document]

Maria Kapla and Johannes Stahlberg. Sang och musik i svenskundervisningen. Svenska institutet, 2012, April, [PDF Document]

Perfect pitch may be genetic: study. Yahoo! News, 2012, October, [PDF Document]

Les illusions auditives . AgoraVox, 2012, April, [Web Link]

Perfect pitch may be genetic. Health24, 2012, October, [PDF Document]

Perfect Pitch Mystery: Research Shows The Note May Be In Your Genes . Huffington Post, 2012, October, [Web Link]

Can't sing in key? It may be that no amount of music lessons can help: Perfect pitch is 'all in the genes'. Daily Mail (UK), 2012, October, [Web Link]

Perfect pitch: Knowing the note may be in your genes. e! Science News, 2012, October, [Web Link]

Perfect Pitch: Knowing the Note may be in your Genes. Science Daily, 2012, October, [Web Link]

Is Perfect Pitch Genetic?. MedlinePlus, 2012, October, [PDF Document]

Meghan Holohan. Sorry, music lessons can't teach perfect pitch. The Body Odd, NBC News, 2012, October, [Web Link]

Bradley Cornelius. Dr. Diana Deutsch, University of California, San Diego - Genetics of Perfect Pitch . Academic Minute, WAMC, Northeast Public Radio, 2012, November, [Web Link]

New Study Ties Perfect Pitch to Genetics . Choral Director, 2012, October, [Web Link]

Eduardo Punset. El sentido de la musica . Redes 271 (Barcelona, Spain), 2012, April, [Web Link]

Temma Ehrenfeld. Between Speech and Song . APS Observer, 2011, December, 24, [Web Link]

Tala i toner. Spraktidningen, 2011, December, [Web Link]

Wickelgren, Ingrid. The Music of Language [Audio Slideshow]. Scientific American, 2010, July/August, [Web Link]

Nicholson, Christie. Auditory Illusions . Scientific American Podcast, 2010, April, [Web Link]

Dr. Andi Horvath. Episode 25 - Two words.. sounds like.. auditory illusions. Museum Victoria podcast, 2010, October, [Web Link]

Carl Wilson. Talk into tune. Globe and Mail, 2009, February, [PDF Document]

Diana Deutsch, Kevin Dooley, Trevor Henthorn and Brian Head. Perfect Pitch: Language Wins Out Over Genetics. Media Release, Acoustical Society of America, 2009, May, [Web Link] [Laylanguage paper]

Richard Alleyne. Learning Chinese languages makes you musical, claim scientists. Telegraph (UK), 2009, April, [Web Link]

Rachel Saslow. Toned Up, Tuned In. The Washington Post, 2009, May, [Web Link]

Hazel Muir. Tonal languages are the key to perfect pitch. New Scientist, 2009, April, [Web Link]

Steve Mirsky. Perfect Pitch Related to Language. Scientific American, 2009, May, [Web Link]

Inga Kiderra. Tone Language Is Key To Perfect Pitch. Science Daily, 2009, May, [Web Link]

Perfect Pitch: Language Wins Out Over Genetics. PhysOrg, 2009, May, [Web Link]

Tone language is key to perfect pitch. e! Science News, 2009, May, [Web Link]

Werner Siefer. Das absolute Gehör. Focus Online (Germany), 2009, May, [Web Link]

Sybille Möckl. Forscher lüften Geheimnis des absoluten Gehörs. Die Welt Online (Germany), 2009, May, [Web Link]

Absolutes Gehör: Kein genetischer Glücksfall, sondern sprachabhängig. Der Standard (Austria), 2009, May, [Web Link]

Erica Renckens. Toontaal sleutel tot absoluut gehoor. NEMO Kennislink (The Netherlands), 2009, May, [Web Link]

Az abszolút hallásról. Hir6, 2009, January, [PDF Document]

Charlotte Gardner. The Ears Have It. BBC Magazine, 2009, July, 37-39, [PDF Document]

Words into a song: the illusion of the brain? (in Chinese). Chinese Academy of Audiology, 2009, May, [Web Link]

Elizabeth Landau. Freaky news about your brain may change your mind. CNN Health, 2009, August, [Web Link]

David Rothenberg. More than words. The Guardian (UK), 2009, May, [Web Link]

Harald Aastorp. Absolutt gehør ved hjelp av språk?. (Norway), 2008, February, [Web Link]

Interview with Frank von Groteluschen. Wie uns das Ohr ubers Ohr haut. German Public Radio (Germany), 2008, October, [Web Link]

Wiederholungen machen Sprachmelodie horbar'., 2008, November, [Web Link]

Our Brains Need Inhibitors to Perceive Speech. Softpedia, 2008, November, [Web Link]

Brain sees fine line between speech and song. New Scientist, 2008, November, [PDF Document] [Web Link]

Diana Deutsch, Rachael Lapidis, and Trevor Henthorn, Media Release. The Speech-to-Song Illusion. Acoustical Society of America, 2008, November, [Web Link]

Michael Marshall. Music special: Five great auditory illusions. New Scientist, 2008, February, [Web Link]

Jochen Paulus. Brain researchers track auditory illusions. Southwest German Public Radio (Germany), 2008, December, [Web Link]

Choi, Charles Q. Speaking in Tones. Ni hao or bonjour: do genes drive preference for language type?. Scientific American, 2007, September, [PDF Document]

Marcus Low. Through to the next round. Health24, 2007, [PDF Document]

Julie J. Rehmeyer. "Musical Illusions". Science News, 2007, June, [Web Link]

Adriana Salerno. 'Psychologists Create Surprising Musical Illusion'. Voice of America, 2007, August, [Web Link]

Ed Edelson. 'Is Perfect Pitch All in the Genes?'. HealthDay News, 2007, August, [PDF Document]

Ed Edelson trans Dr. Tango. ¿Se encuentra el oído absoluto en los genes?. Yahoo Salud, 2007, August, [PDF Document]

Musical Language (Radiolab), Podcast. WNYC's Radiolab, 2007, [Web Link]

Eduardo Punset. ¿Cómo percibimos la música? Los Lectores Preguntan a Eduardo Punset. 2007, [PDF Document]

Excerpted from. 'A perfect pitch match.'. Oliver Sacks' book: Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain. Columbia Magazine, 2007, [Web Link]

Javier Valenzuela. Relativismo Lingüístico: ¿Qué tal Suena?. Ciencia Cognitiva, 2007, December, [Web Link]

Von Eva-Maria Schnurr. Wenn einmal der Wurm drin ist. Die Zeit Magazin (Germany), 2007, April, [Web Link]

Interview with Jad Abumrad. 'Behaves So Strangely' . New York Public Radio, 2006, April, [Web Link]

Kate McCartin. 'Prelude to Perfect Pitch'. Trenton Times, 2006, May, [PDF Document]

Scott Fields. 'Music on the Mind'. APS Observer, 2006, April, [PDF Document]

David Ranada. 'Your Brain on Music'. Sound & Vision Magazine, 2006, May, [Web Link]

Interview with Chris Maslanka. 'Do My Ears Deceive Me'. BBC Radio 3, 2006, April, [Web Link]

Interview with Jad Abumrad. 'Musical Language'. New York Public Radio, 2006, April, [Web Link]

'Oreille absolue : avantage aux Chinois'. Pour La Science, 2005, January, [PDF Document]

James Shreeve. 'Perfect pitch'. National Geographic, 2005, March, [Web Link]

Sadie F. Dingfelder. 'Pitch Perfect'. APA Monitor on Psychology, 2005, February, [Web Link]

Bruno Rougier. 'L'oreille absolue des asiatiques'. Radio France, 2005, January, [PDF Document]

Dean Edell. 'Is It Possible To Achieve Perfect Pitch?'. ABC7 KGO-TV/DT, 2005, February, [PDF Document]

Fran Kelly. 'Perfect pitch'. ABC Radio National, 2005, January, [PDF Document]

Carl Zimmer. 'Can't get it out of my head'. The Sunday Telegraph Magazine, 2004, February, [PDF Document]

Diana Deutsch, Trevor Henthorn, Elizabeth Marvin, and HongShuai Xu, Media Release. 'Perfect Pitch in Tone Language Speakers Carries Over to Music'. Acoustical Society of America, 2004, November, [Web Link] [Laylanguage paper]

Inga Kiderra. 'Tone language translates to perfect pitch'. Science Daily, 2004, November, [Web Link]

Don Monroe. 'Speaking Tonal Languages Promotes Perfect Pitch'. Scientific American, 2004, November, [Web Link]

Nadja Geipert. 'Psychologists Pobe Perfect Pitch'. ScienceNow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2004, November, [PDF Document]

Jennifer Viegas. 'Study: Language Determines Music Skills'. Discovery Channel, 2004, November, [PDF Document]

'Tonsprachen und absolutes Gehor gehoren zusammen.'. Yahoo! Nachrichten, 2004, November, [PDF Document]

Ian Sample and Faisal al Yafai,. 'Mandarin Chinese speaks volumes in giving the young an ear for music'. The Guardian (UK), 2004, November, [Web Link]

Katherina Kramer. Wieso haben so vielo Chinesen das absolute Gehör?. NZZ am Sontag (Switzerland), 2004, November

Isabelle Masingue. 'L'oreille absolue : plus facile pour les Chinois'. Quebec Science, 2004, November, [PDF Document]

'Absolutes Gehor: Sprache schult das Ohr'. Spiegel Online (Germany), 2004, November, [PDF Document]

Katharina Kramer. 'Chinesen sind die besseren Musiker'. Die Welt (Germany), 2004, December, [Web Link]

Eva Hörschgen. 'Warum Mandarin das absolute Gehör begünstigt'., 2004, November, [Web Link]

'The World Today'. Interview with BBC World Service, 2004, November

Interview with Molly Bentley. 'Science in Action'. BBC World Service, 2004, December

Ernest Ruiz and Fernando Cabedo Bosquet. Mundo hi-fi, 2004, December, [PDF Document]

Musical Mandarins. 21st Century Online, 2004, December, [PDF Document]

Ulrich Dewald. Das absolute Gehör ist gewöhnlicher als gedacht., 2003, April, [PDF Document] [Web Link]

Peter Monaghan. 'The illusions range from the beguilingly simple to, as she says, "true weirdness, the twilight zone."'. 'In the Twilight Zone of Sound', Notes from Academe, Chronicle of Higher Education, 2003, November, [PDF Document]

Brian Weaver. 'Potential for Acquiring Absolute Pitch Based on Time and Genetics'. American Psychological Society, 2002, December, [Web Link]

Michael Abrams. 'The Biology of Perfect Pitch: Name That Tone'. Discover, 2001, December, [Web Link]

Deborah Smith. 'A paradox of musical pitch'. Monitor on Psychology, American Psychological Association, 2001, [Web Link]

Roy Rivenburg. The Science Behind the Song Stuck in Your Head. Los Angeles Times, 2001, October, [PDF Document]

Charles Seife. 'Auditory Illusion Shaped by First Language'. ScienceNow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2000, December, [Web Link]

Diana Deutsch, Trevor Henthorn, and Mark Dolson, Media Release. Tone Language Speakers Possess Absolute Pitch. Acoustical Society of America, 1999, [Web Link]

Alan Hall. 'Speaking in Tones'. Scientific American, 1999, November, [Web Link]

David Graham. 'UCSD prof makes a hard pitch for perfect pitch'. San Diego Union Tribune, 1999, December, [PDF Document]

Kathryn Brown. 'Striking the right Note'. The New Scientist, 1999, December, [PDF Document]

James Glanz. 'Study links perfect pitch to tonal language'. New York Times (front page), 1999, November, [Web Link]

Cherry Norton. Anyone can have perfect pitch, all they have to do is learn Vietnamese at a very early age. The Independent, 1999, November, [Web Link]

Robyn Williams. 'Musical Illusions and Paradoxes'. The Science Show, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 1997

Bob McDonald. 'You must be hearing things'. Quirks and Quarks, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (Canada), 1997, [PDF Document]

Steven Hunt. 'Do you hear what I hear?'. Discovery Channel, Canada, 1997, March, [PDF Document]

The Cronkite Ward Company, Washington D.C. Understanding the Senses. The Discovery Channel, 1997, [Web Link]

Philip Yam. 'Escher for the Ear'. Scientific American, 1996, March, [PDF Document] [Web Link]

media release. Mothers and their children hear a musical illusion in strikingly similar ways. Acoustical Society of America, 1996, [Web Link]

Shawn Carlson. '"Musical Illusions and Paradoxes" will let you experience some striking sonic chicanery.'. Scientific American, The Amateur Scientist, 1996, December, [PDF Document]

What is Music?. NOVA, 1989, [Web Link]

Blogs and Websites

The Tritone paradox (try it with a group of musicians). Joe Bennett, 2021, January, [Web Link]

Do you hear what I hear?. Teufel, 2021, February, [Web Link]

Martha Langdon. Hacking Perfect Pitch . Maker Bolder, 2019, May, [Web Link]

Diana Deutsch. Revolvy, 2019, [Web Link]

The Speech-to-Song Illusion. Futility Closet, 2019, October, [Web Link]

Musical Language. Making Machines, 2019, October, [Web Link]

Sometimes behaves so strangely. MetaFilter, 2019, September, [Web Link]

Hearing also has an illusion? ! How are you attracted by pop music?. Yahoo Taiwan, 2019, August, [Web Link]

Michael Gordon. Dr. Diana Deutsch Across Science and Art. Journey2Psychology, 2019, July, [Web Link]

DIABOLUS IN MUSICA, TUTTA LA VERITÀ SUL TRITONO MALEDETTO!. blog di metal, cultura e tanto rumore, 2019, October, [Web Link]

Philip Ball. Musical illusions. Homunculus, 2018, October, [Web Link]

Mark Mancini. Beyond Yanny or Laurel: 6 Other Aural Illusions and How They Work. Mental Floss, 2018, May, [Web Link]

Deutsch’s scale illusion. Revolvy, 2018, [Web Link]

Ilusiones Auditivas: Cómo Engañar a Tu Cerebro. PsicoWisdom, 2016, January, [Web Link]

Meara O'Reilly. Mysterious Melody. 2016, February, [Web Link]

Harmonic function of speech. KVR Audio, 2016, March, [Web Link]

Ears wide shut – it’s eerie. Gibberish, 2016, February, [Web Link]

Music That Sometimes Behaves So Strangely. Mariana, 2016, February, [Web Link]

Jenny-Fox. Sängerinnen und Sänger musizieren mit mehr Gefühl als Instrumentalisten. 2016, February, [Web Link]

Greg Ross. The Chromatic Illusion. Futility Closet, 2016, June, [Web Link]

Weird Audio Illusions . Every Things, 2016, April, [Web Link]

Helmut Schatz. Nicht Gene, sondern frühkindlicher Einfluss entscheidend für das in China viel häufigere absolute Gehör. Medizinische Kurznachrichten der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie, 2016, June, [Web Link]

Psychoacoustics and Auditory Illusion Introduction. Kat Nine Music, 2016, July, [Web Link]

Yeah, I got perfect pitch.. Telecaster Discussion Page Reissue, 2016, December, [Web Link]

Joe Milazzo. Are Chinese Speakers More Likely to Have Perfect Pitch?. TutorMing Mandarin Learning Tips Blog, 2016, December, [Web Link]

It’s all in your head. Sound show, Apple Podcast, 2016, December, [Web Link]

Almudena M. Castr. Diana Deutsch, la musica y el language. Enchufa2, 2016, February, [Web Link]

Helmut Schatz. Nicht Gene, sondern frühkindlicher Einfluss entscheidend für das in China viel häufigere absolute Gehör. Medizinische Kurznachrichten der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie, 2016, June, [Web Link]

The Chromatic Illusion. Futility Closet, 2016, June, Podcast Episode 110:, [Web Link]

Justin Kitch. Sound illusions #1158 Sept 2016. Daily Curio, 2016, September, [Web Link]

Brian Foo. Using Brain Wave Data to Convert a Seizure to Song. DATA-DRIVEN DJ, 2015, February, [Web Link]

What is the name of the phenomenon in which upon hearing same sound repeatedly, one begins to hear a rhythm?. Stack Exchange, 2015, February, [Web Link]

Peter Kirn. Beauty in Repetition: Listen to Hanno Leichtmann's Minimal Studies. 2015, February, [Web Link]

This audio illusion has everyone disagreeing. People hear anything from rainbow to mango. What do you hear? . Twitter, 2015, April, [Web Link]

De Spraak-Muziekillusie: Maak Muziek in je Hoofd!. Donders Wonders, 2015, April, [Web Link]

Greg L. Lowhorn. Sometimes, Sound Can Behave So Strangely . Exploring the Issues of Life, 2015, February, [Web Link]

Can Speaking a Language Give You a Musical Advantage?. SiOWfa15: Science in Our World: Certainty and Controversy, 2015, September, [Web Link]

The Tritone Paradox -­ An Audio Illusion?. The Gear Page, 2015, April, [Web Link]

Oft wiederholte Sätze klingen wie Gesang . Christoph Bördlein, 2015, April, [Web Link]

EL SENTIDO DE LA MÚSICA. El Lenguaje Musical de Fátima, 2015, December, [Web Link]

Ilusiones auditivas: La paradoja del tritono. Neoteo, 2015, December, [Web Link]

Absolutes Gehör. Im neuen Blog begrüßt Sie Jan Reichow, 2015, December, [Web Link]

The Ghost of Mariah Carey. Psychology Wizard, 2015, December, [Web Link]

Speech to song illusion. Enchufa2, 2015, October, [Web Link]

That Magic Sound. Dynamix Productions, 2015, January, [Web Link]


Are music and speech closely related?. Talk Classical, 2015, March, [Web Link]

Gustavo de Francisco. Ouvido Absoluto., 2014, January, [Web Link]

Música y repetición, una ilusión auditiva . Fogonazos Asombros diarios, 2014, March, [Web Link]

Pascal Wallisch. Diana Deutsch's Phantom Words. Google+, 2014, February, [Web Link]

Thelo Campos. Música x Criança. 2014, March, [Web Link]

This fascinating auditory illusion transforms normal speech into music. The Coli, 2014, March, [Web Link]

Erick thevirkills . Tritone Paradox, Ilusi Suara Yang Membingungkan. 2014, April, [Web Link]

A pill for tones / musical illusions. Chinese-forums, 2014, January, [Web Link]

Tire o fone de ouvido para se exercitar com mais seguranca . Est em dom Pedrito, 2014, August, [Web Link]

Oído Absoluto . Paloma Valeva, 2014, [Web Link]

Alan Key. Auditory Illusion 3: Phantom Words (Youtube video with comments). 2014, July, [Web Link]

Ali Cook. Really weird acoustic illusion behind all symphony music . 2014, May, [Web Link]

Garth Sundem. Hacking Perfect Pitch. Maker Boulder, 2014, September, [Web Link]

But They Sometimes Behave So Strangely. Inverse Square Trio, 2014, [Web Link]

Ouvido Absoluto. Quinta Essentia, 2014, January, [Web Link]

Sonic Tour of the Brain . Guerilla Science, 2013, March, [Web Link]

Muzik yalan soyler mi?. Emre Akoz, Sabah, 2013, March, [Web Link]

Examples of Illusion . Your Dictionary Examples, 2013, [Web Link]

Charlie McCarron. Musical Illusions with Dr. Diana Deutsch . Composer Quest, 2013, April, [Web Link]

Dana Wen. Stanford's Music & Brain Symposium explores "Inner Voices". I care if you listen|Washington Composers Forum, 2013, April , [Web Link]

Richard Kunert. The Biological Basis of Orchestra Seating. Brain's Idea, 2013, May , [Web Link]

Karen McCarthy. Perfect Pitch: Acquired or Inherited? . Postcognitive Topics, 2013, March, [Web Link]

Mark Ty Wharton. SOMETIMES BEHAVE SO STRANGELY., 2013, [Web Link]

Sound effects fun. University of Southampton, 2013, [Web Link]

I heard a clip from this the other night on the BBC.. Applied Linguistics Discussion Group, 2013, July, [Web Link]

Elizabeth Holmes. Your Voice is Music to our Ears. VoiceOverXtra, 2013, April, [Web Link]

Start 'Em Young: Two Studies on the Mystery of Perfect Pitch. Operagasm, 2013, May, [Web Link]

Sometimes Behaves SO Strangely. Sax on the Web Forum, 2013, June, [Web Link]

Speech to Song Illusion. Wordcraft, 2013, May, [Web Link]

Absolutes Gehor. Medizinportal, 2013, October, [Web Link]

Lois Svard. More than you may want to know about absolute pitch . The musician's brain, 2013, September, [Web Link]

Nathan McKee. "Sometimes Behaves So Strangely". serctvnewsroomsite, 2013, April, [Web Link]

TIL.. Talking is really just singing. Reddit, 2013, May, [Web Link]

The Tritone Paradox - The way these specially constructed tones are perceived changes from person to person. Reddit, 2013, August, [Web Link]

La musique, le cerveau et nous. Sirtin science, 2013, December, [Web Link]

Jan Reichow. Vom Zauber der Sprachmelodie. 2013, June, [Web Link]

The Isengard Effect, or, Musical Language. Blarg, 2013, June, [Web Link]

..they sometimes behave so strangely.. sometimes behave so strangely.. sometimes behave so strangely.. sometimes behave so strangely... Twitter, 2013, April, [Web Link]

Phantom Words. BBC Future, 2013, [Web Link]

No, really, teach your toddler perfect pitch . Wired, 2012, February, [PDF Document]

Les illusions auditives. Strange stuff and funky things, 2012, April, [PDF Document]

Ouvido absolute - um dom de genio. Grupo de Opera Canto Dell'arte, 2012, October, [Web Link]

Musicality in Mandarin. Ryan's Journal, 2012, Nov, [Web Link]

Kaja Weeks . Sound and our Minds . Early Childhood Music & Movement Association, 2012, December, [Web Link]

Helen Sol. Language and Musical Ability. L2 Listening, 2012, September, [Web Link]

Les Illusions Auditives. PaperBlog, 2012, April, [Web Link]

Barry Golding. HV132-Musicality of Speech: Spoken Melody . Hearing Voices from NPR, 2012, February, [Web Link]

Frederik Meuris. Tien gekke geluidsillusies. ZDNET Belgie, 2011, [PDF Document]

Sometimes behaves so strangely . Inaccurate Interpretations, 2011, January, [PDF Document]

Do you have perfect pitch or relative pitch?. Eddie Jobson Forum, 2011, November, [PDF Document]

Tonal languages and perfect pitch . Confused Laowai, 2011, April, [Web Link]

Diana Deutsch - Noi theo thanh dieu. Chiec non, 2011, Sept, [Web Link]

Tania Gooden. Going Beyond Hermann von Helmholtz: The Octave Illusion with Respect to Handedness. History of German Science, 2011, April, [Web Link]

Wong, Kee Zhang. Linguistically vented tonality . Metaharmonist, 2010, September, [Web Link]

half note juke (after diana deutsch). MeFi Music, 2010, April, [Web Link]

Vahn Saryu. Tritone Paradox, Ilusi Suara Yang Membingungkan (in Indonesian) . 2010, October, [Web Link]

Musica e Psicologia: "Chi ascolta musica comunica meglio?" . PsicologiaNeuroLinguistica, 2010, November, [Web Link]

Perfect pitch - a connection between language and music . Studio3Music, 2010, [Web Link]

Bizarre auditory illusion: a spoken phrase repeated 10 times out of context appears to be *sung* when heard in a sentence. . Reddit, 2010, August, [Web Link]

Did music originate as a behavioral adaptation?. Music 0000001, 2010, Aug-Sept, 335-337, [Web Link]

Speech-to-Song Illusion. Zoilus, 2009, February, [Web Link]

Pitchy Talk. The Orb of Whammy, 2009, May, [PDF Document]

Sprechen oder Singen?., 2009, February, [Web Link]

Speech to Song: An Audio Illusion. The Open End, 2009, April, [Web Link]

William Weir. Find Out If You're Tone Deaf; Plus, Are Asians Naturally Better Musicians?. Hartford Courant, 2009, May, [Web Link]

Comments on: "Scientists say learning Chinese languages makes you musical". Digg, 2009, May, [PDF Document]

sometimes behave so strangely.. Pnosis, 2009, March, [PDF Document]

Brian Rowland. On Having Really Pretty Good (If Not Perfect) Pitch. 2009, June

Absolutes Gehor - You got it?. Simon Born, 2009, September, [PDF Document]

Top 10 según alguien. EDOZE GAUZA, 2009, October, [Web Link]

Salviaesque Auditory Illusion. Entheogen Dot, 2009, July, [PDF Document]

Nestor, James. Chromatic illusion. GET HIGH NOW (without drugs), 2009, 07, [Web Link]

Nestor, James. Cambiata illusion . GET HIGH NOW (without drugs), 2009, 07, [Web Link]

WorldWeird: Loops . WHITECHAPEL Discussions, 2009, January-October, [Web Link]

Speaking becomes Singing., 2008, November, [PDF Document]

'Top 10 Incredible Sound Illusions'. The List Universe, 2008, February, [Web Link]

'Put your headphones on'. MetaFilter, 2008, February, [Web Link]

Comments on: Fool Your Ears - Five Great Auditory Illusions. Digg, 2008, June, [PDF Document]

A l'illusson. Le blog musical de Ponski et Hekojin, 2008, December, [PDF Document]

Curt Lindsay. Sing Me an E, Any E. Can't See the Forest, 2007, March, [Web Link]

Audio illusions that will fool your ear (and brain) . EE|Times, 2007, November, [Web Link]

Dr. Beren. But they sometimes behave so strangely . LiVEJOURNAL, 2007, October, [Web Link]

'Sometimes behaves so strangely'. Crooked Timber, 2006, [Web Link]

'Music and language'. Discover - Cosmic Variance, 2006, [Web Link]

'Sometimes behave so strangely'. Auditory Archives, 2006, December week 2, [Web Link]

Absolute Pitch. Staffan A. Svensson, 2006, October, [Web Link]

Deutsch's Musical Illusions ., 2003, November, [Web Link]

Ouvido absoluto - Um dom de genio . Super Interessante, 2000, May, [Web Link]

Tool #3.1: Octave Displacement Follow-Up Post . Composers Toolbox, , [Web Link]

MARK FRAUENFELDER. I just learned about the delightful speech-to-song illusion. boingboing, , [Web Link]

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